3 reasons you DON'T want to be a leader (and why you should try anyway)

Uncategorized Apr 21, 2021


I was reading Simon Sinek's book this week Leaders Eat Last: Why Some Teams Pull Together and Others Don't and I realized something...


It is hard to lead people. It's messy, slow, and inefficient. 


People are imperfect, don't fit in to the neat little boxes in our mind and can be downright selfish.


It's hard to to be good leader of real people.


But what if, despite all that, you and I believed it was worth it?


In this video I lay out the 3 reasons you don't want to be a leader in your business/organization/field and why you should aspire to be a great leader anyway. At the end of the day there's no better feeling than enjoying the positive impact you can have on another person's life. Bosses, CEOs, and social media influences can't do that. Only a person with the qualities of a great leader can do that. So let's talk about how to become one.  

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