3 reasons why you haven't gone after your dreams

Uncategorized Jun 02, 2021


"You're not the problem, your beliefs are the problem."

That's what I thought to myself when I decided to quit my indecision lifestyle and pursue my dream of being a professional results coach. Since then I've grown so much. I've learned how to be on camera, how to maintain an email list, how to ask questions that create change in people's lives, and so much more.

I learned it because I HAD to learn it. I had no other choice. My dream required it of me. So, I just made a decision to learn.

Question- what is your dream? What vision for your life are you going after?

Tougher question- why haven't you gone after it yet? Here's the tough pill to for everyone (including me) to swallow: To get what you want, you have to change how you think about what you want.

If you truly want that growing business, flourishing relationship or healthy physic the first and most important step is to change how you look at your goal. To put it bluntly, you need to make your dream a "must".

NOW HOLD ON! I know what you're thinking "sure whatever Joey, if it was that easy I would have achieved my dream already." Unfortunately we humans can be very bad at understanding our own feelings towards our dreams. Our lives are filled with so many distractions and interruptions we never have time to check in with ourselves.

I'm here to tell you there's a big difference between "wanting" something (a desire) and believing you will have something (a decision).

I explore this idea in my most recent video. While you're on Youtube drop a comment with your dream, I want to hear what you're working on!

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