Fearless: How to Take Life Head On

Uncategorized Oct 14, 2020


What is fear?

Fear is your brain telling you, “Hey! Your LIFE is in danger, stupid. GET OUT of here and find something safer to do before you get us killed!” Sounds like that could be helpful. Except for the fact that there are very few situations nowadays where us humans are actually, literally, in life threatening situations. When our brain is sending us fear signals it’s usually just our reputation at work or our first date impression on the line. Now we should not pity our brain, it doesn’t know any better. But absolutely do not listen to it. Here’s why.

If deep down we have a core belief that situations that trigger fear responses should be avoided, we will spend our lives missing experiences and opportunities for growth and progress, personally and in our careers. Will Smith said, “The best things in life are on the other side of your maximum fear.” What the most successful people have realized is overcoming fear is not just a honorable and courageous thing to do, it is necessary for a full and vibrant life. Overcoming fear is not just about making more money or advancing professionally, it’s about rising to a new level of self-confidence, joy, and ability to live fully in the moment.

So, let’s talk about how to overcome fear because if you want a higher quality of life moment to moment, or you have a big dream you’re going after you WILL NEED to face your fears consistently to get there. To do something beyond your current capabilities, courage will be required.


Here’s my advice for dropping fear and creating the life you want:


Discover what you’re fearing

By simply spending time identifying what we fear, we can begin to see our fears from a new perspective. Reflect on the these universal fears and try to identify which ones resonate with you. Furthermore, try to identify specific situations that trigger fear in you.

  1. Not being enough / being found out
  2. Fear of losing something / never having something
  3. Fear of being criticized / not belonging

When and where do you feel fear? What have you put off doing because you know it will make you scared or afraid? Identify the specific fears you want to overcome before moving on to the step.


Embrace that the fear is necessary

You’re not going to die! Unless your fear is skydiving without a parachute. Don’t try to overcome that fear, please.

In all seriousness, if you want to grow and progress in life and you want to move up to the next level of joy and self-confidence then stepping outside your comfort zone is your next step! Only you can define what that looks likes for your personal situation/fears. It’s crucial to make the shift from “I don’t want to do this” to “I must do this or I’ll never have/accomplish/experience ______”. Making the internal move from resistance to embracing fear is the crucial step in overcoming fear and creating the life you want. It could be helpful to write down your fears as well as a specific phrase to say out loud to yourself every time you’re tempted to avoid facing it head on.


Develop a courageous plan

There is no better cure for your fears than making yourself afraid and having to overcome it. It’s time to journal about how you’re going to create some situations that require courage.

If you have a fear of public speaking, it could be connecting with your local Toastmasters club or starting a YouTube channel. If you want to start your own business but are afraid of financial hardship, it’s time to connect with someone who’s done it before and develop a strategy to get your business off the ground successfully. You have the answers! They may not feel fun or enjoyable right now because your brain is trying to convince you that doing that thing will spell certain death. Remember- don’t listen to it! It’s trying to keep you safe, but you’re not in danger. The only thing at risk is the future success on the other side of your fears. Think of all the opportunities and experiences you’ll miss if you don’t take action to overcome your fears and create the life you want. Loss and rejections are not worthy fears. Worthy fears are never fulfilling your potential, being 85 years old and thinking “I had the chance, but I never really went for it," or never putting it all on the line to achieve something that really mattered. I pray that’s not you my friend, and it won’t be! Face those fears.

Best of luck on your journey.

Stay awesome,


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