Execution 101 - Harness personal power to beat overwhelm and get stuff DONE

Uncategorized Jul 26, 2023


FREE TRAINING - The Weekly Supercycle Method

Finally, a simple strategy to ditch overwhelm and start making real progress.

Access now this free training now which includes:

  • A step-by-step method to plan your weeks for maximum productivity and impact
  • The complete strategy for accomplishing your most important goals and projects right now
  • The "Weekly Supercycle Method" worksheet. Downloadable and printable.

It's time to take control of your to do list and your life! You can accomplish your most important goal whether it's to grow you business, level up your career or develop a new skill. You just need the right strategy for structuring your week. In all my years studying personal and professional development, I've never seen a training like this. I'll email you the first video of this week long course right now, check it out


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Do you have a burning desire in you? A goal that you just can't stop thinking about?

If you've been working towards that goal for a while you're in the right place. I'm going to lay out exactly how to accomplish it in 4 steps which I call the Professional Results Framework.

1- Know what you truly want
You have to know specifically what you're going after. Hyper clarity on your WHAT. You know you're stuck on this step if you can't seem to make up your mind on your what and commit to it. You can get clarity on your what through prayer, talking to role models/mentors, researching, traveling, and trying new things. They key is to not sit still and wait for clarity to fall in your lap. Ask yourself the question "What goal would mean the most to me if I were to accomplish it over the next 12 months?"

2- Chunk it up into a plan
Anything you can do you can do faster, cheaper, and easier with a plan. If you've had some initial results or "beginners luck" but you can't seem to get traction towards your goal, this is the step you should focus on. If you feel like everything you do to make progress towards your goal is trial and error, or that you're reinventing the wheel every week, you need plan. The easiest way to get a plan is to find someone who has already accomplished whatever goal you have and copy them. Whether it's a coach, mentor, boss, or other role model in your life - find a way to steal the framework of their success and work on implementing it into your life. That might look like taking them out for a coffee to ask them questions, or buying their online course.

3- Cut what is unnecessary
Life is full of distractions, otherwise known as instant gratification. To accomplish your most important goal you're going to need to make space to work towards it, which means something needs to go. The best things to cut are those that give you the quick dopamine hits - social media, video games, porn, processed sugar, etc. These quick pleasures are the small, seemingly insignificant distractions that add up to hours of lost productivity each day.

4- Take action by focusing on what's important
To make progress you need to have needle moving activities scheduled into your week. Maybe you do have a plan and you've cut distractions, but if you can't point to 3 specific tasks you checked off your list in the last 7 days that moved you closer to achieving your goal, than you are not making actual progress. You need a system to schedule your most important tasks so they actually get done! I recommend taking my free Weekly Supercycle Method video training on how to plan your week. It will help you beat the overwhelm you feel and carve out time to make progress towards your goal. Watch the first video right now here and start feeling momentum again today!

Remember my friends, you're doing better than you think and you're worth more than you know.

Until next time,



Full Transcript

all right all right let's talk about execution what's up my good people this is Joey young today we're talking about how to get stuff done how to execute a plan how to achieve your goals if you've got something really important to you you're in the right place you might feel stuck right now you might feel like you need a new approach to accomplishing that goal we're going to talk about the four steps to accomplishing any goal to executing any goal and we're going to talk about each step how you know if you're stuck on it and what to do about it okay so here's the first step to executing any goal that's to Define what you truly want Define what you truly want this is important because if you don't really feel a hundred percent committed to accomplishing your goal you're going to struggle down the road when the push comes to the shove and you're deciding whether it's worth it to give up or not so if you don't feel 100 committed to your goal go back to this step and figure out if you really truly want this goal accomplished you gotta take the next step of Integrity for you that's that's the key if you don't know what that is you need to pray you need to have conversations with people you might need to travel you need to do some research but don't move on from this until you feel like you can commit to your goal and that's the first step is to clarify and Define exactly what you want and commit to it you know you're stuck on this if you don't feel 100 committed to your goal okay so that's the foundation what's step two to accomplishing your goal that's to chunk up your goal into a plan to Define what the goal is is great but now we need to say here is the Milestones to accomplishing it you know you're stuck on this step of chunking it up into a plan if you feel like you're constantly doing new things and trying different approaches and you feel like you don't really have an overall strategy to accomplishing your goal if you feel like you're constantly Reinventing the wheel or you're exhausted because you keep trying things and they're not working and you're not really getting any feedback about how it's going so it's it feels like you're doing something new every day this is where you're stuck a plan is important and how do you solve for that if you're stuck on this step well you need to steal someone's plan there is so many people out there who have probably accomplished something very close to what you want to accomplish and the internet is this beautiful thing you can go to Google and type in you know how to blah blah blah and you will probably find a million articles about how to to accomplish that thing so take someone's plan grab it steal it and work it until it works for you if you feel like you're exhausted right now because you're constantly trying new things steal someone's plan and use it to accomplish your goal that's how you get past this step okay so we clarified what we want we've got our plan what's the third step take action by cutting what's unimportant take action by cutting what is unimportant what's not necessary listen you know you're stuck on this step if you feel like your life is ruled by distractions distractions otherwise known as instant gratification are the bane of accomplishing goals they take us away from Focus they take us away from executing on our pre-planned time set aside to work on our goals and they pull us towards short-term pleasure and and dopamine so maybe what you need to do right now if you're stuck on this and you feel like you're caught in the in the whirlpool of instant gratification you need to start cutting stuff out you need to start saying notes on healthy foods maybe media maybe you need to cut out some activities that are not really giving you Joy whatever it is you need to start cutting out things that are distracting you listen Netflix will be there I promise when you've accomplished your goal and you feel great about yourself you can come back to Netflix okay just take time to cut out whatever that distraction is for you whatever it is for you so you can focus on your goal we take action by cutting what is unnecessary and what's unimportant what's the fourth and final step to executing any goal that's to take action by focusing on what is important what is important you see the best thing I can recommend to you on this step is to actually take my free training the weekly super cycle method training it's linked in the in the description below what it does is it helps you to prioritize your week to combat the constant overwhelm of distractions and other people's priorities and overwhelming to-do lists and to block time your way into success and what you need to do is if you if you feel stuck on this step it's because you haven't actually strategized how you will get the key needle moving activities for your goal done and the solution to that is having a strategy for planning your week so that you don't start the week by hoping things will get done this week but you start your week knowing exactly what you'll get done and when so I highly recommend the free training down below the weekly super cycle method it'll walk you through step by step how to implement this it's got a worksheet it's got videos it's awesome go take advantage of that right now and so with that my friends I hope that you'll you feel encouraged that there is a path forward you can accomplish great things what you need to do is execute the plan Define what you truly want you need to chunk it up into a plan you need to cut the unnecessary stuff and you need to focus on the important stuff so take a moment download the free training in the link below and until next time my friends remember you're doing better than you think and you're worth more than you know hey if you like this video I know you're gonna love the free weekly super cycle method training Linked In the description below it's a course that I created to help you to finally get control of your to-do list get rid of the overwhelm you feel right now and to finally carve out that space in your week to accomplish that really important goal that you've had for a while whether it's to upgrade your career start or grow your business or maybe just develop that skill you want to to develop the weekly super cycle method is a weekly planning course to help you to get all of that done while not increasing the overall hours you work it's a really awesome system I know you'll love it click the link in the description I'll shoot an email over to you with a link to it right now and did I mention it's free it's totally free to you and hey like And subscribe to this video If you enjoyed this that'll that'll help spread the message here to other people on this platform and take a moment to share this video with three of your friends just grab the link to the video and shoot it in a text say hey I really enjoyed this check it out you know nothing better than loving on your friends with some great free content on personal and professional development so take a moment to share this video with three of your friends and hey I really appreciate you thank you so much for your support

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