How to change the way you think about yourself

Uncategorized Jan 05, 2023



Humans have this incredibly unhelpful ability to jump from truths to lies very quickly. For example you might get fired from a job, or dumped in a relationship and think to yourself "I suck at this!" The problem arises when we make the leap from "I suck at this" to "I suck", period. A momentary feeling of inferiority should not cause us to feel inherently inferior or incapable.

Inferiority feelings come from comparison. So make the decision to not look at others as a measuring stick of your performance, instead, look at yourself 12 months ago. You can name at least 3 things you've learned, grown in, or have accomplished in the past year!

Make the decision to change! Create a growth plan. A plan of action. Start creating new habits, new routines, and new mindsets. Start the journey of mastering new skills. It can be baby steps in the beginning, don't be afraid of going slow! Remember, you're competing against your past self, so any progress is good progress.

Lastly, always always remember: just because you feel inferior doesn't mean you are. It's just a trigger that you need to learn something new!

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