HOW to KEEP GOING when you're not seeing results

Uncategorized Jun 28, 2023


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  • A step-by-step method to plan your weeks for maximum productivity and impact
  • The complete strategy for accomplishing your most important goals and projects right now
  • The "Weekly Supercycle Method" worksheet. Downloadable and printable.

It's time to take control of your to do list and your life! You can accomplish your most important goal whether it's to grow you business, level up your career or develop a new skill. You just need the right strategy for structuring your week. In all my years studying personal and professional development, I've never seen a training like this. I'll email you the first video of this week long course right now, check it out


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What do you do when your dream, vision or goal is not working?

Restlessness, disappointment, and frustration are normal when reality falls short of what we'd prefer. Maybe you've experienced a failure, maybe an opportunity didn't pan out the way you'd hoped. Or maybe you thought you had a great plan to realize your vision but it seems like no matter how hard you try, it's not working.

I've got some good news for you, there are strategies to give you attitude a boost in situations like this, let's unpack three right now.

1- Endurance is who you listen to
Your mind is like a crop field - what you plant and cultivate grows. What are you cultivating in your mind? Are you letting yourself stew on your doubt, fatigue or fear? Instead focus on filling your mind with encouragement and wisdom. What you can do specifically is ask someone who's got a similar goal to meet on a weekly basis. Someone who's in the trenches, striving to accomplishing something great like you. On your weekly call share you wins and disappointments. Process your feelings with them. Listen to what they're experiencing on their journey. You'd be amazed how encouraging it is to hear someone has the same struggles as you. Another specific thing you can do is listening to stories of people who've gone before you, faced setbacks, and overcame them. Podcasts, books, lectures, however you can access these inspiring stories! The key is to stop brooding on your fears and staff cultivating your mind with wisdom and encouragement.

2- Asking For Help
Here's a great question you should have asked someone in the last two weeks: "I'm new to this but I'm very curious how it works, could you help me understand?" This question will unlock so many opportunities for you! People love to help a humble and curious learner. Your breakthrough could be hiding in someone you speak to regularly you just haven't asked for help yet. The problem is pride can hold us back from being the "beginner" in the room. We don't want to feel like a novice because it's uncomfortable. However progress requires growth, grow is change and change is uncomfortable. So don't shy away from the discomfort of being a learner, dive right in! Most likely someone else has accomplished something similar to the goal, vision or dream you have. Seek them out, learn how they did it and copy them. Don't try to reinvent the wheel when you can copy/paste it to accelerate your progress.

3- Cultivate a love for the process
There was a time early in my coaching career when I had a membership program. I provided monthly live streams, interviews, and downloadable worksheets to my clients. At first I enjoyed the unique challenges of this product. However, after several months I started to realize that I was dreading each upcoming livestream. It was a hard truth to accept. I thought "this is my dream, I should be having a blast putting these trainings on" but the reality was it was just a checklist item. So I stopped the whole program! I sent an email out to my clients explaining I was shutting the membership down, issued refunds and told them I was moving on. Best decision I ever made. Now with my current coaching programs I'm having so much more fun. The point is you need to enjoy the journey. For you that could mean changing your approach to accomplishing your goal. Or if you can't right now for whatever reason, find ways to adjust your current strategy so you can have FUN on the way to your results. Looking forward to your daily work is key to remaining optimistic over the long term.

Hey don't just read this and walk away. Information is nothing without implementation! Grab a journal, notebook or word doc and write exactly how you're going to switch things up to keep the hope alive in your heart.

You got this. Remember, you're doing better than you think and you're worth more than you know.




Full Transcript

what's up my good people this is Joey young and today we're talking about how to keep going when the going gets tough you've had a dream you've had a goal for a while you want to build a business you want to upgrade your career you have a professional goal you have something you want really badly and you've been working towards it for a while but it's not panning out you're not getting the results you want and you're thinking of how is this not working I've been trying so hard I've tried so many things I felt like this would be easier I don't understand what's going on what I'm doing wrong is it me is it something I'm doing and it's just a mess and I've been there and it sucks so how do we get out of this Quagmire of believing that we'd be somewhere in our lives but we're not there yet and and how do we keep going with optimism with energy with excitement every single day to get up and to put into work even when we don't see the results of our work yet I have three ideas for you today and I'm really really excited to share them with you because I know they'll help you break through this barrier you're facing and the first idea is that endurance is actually who you listen to endurance is mostly made up of who we're allowing to speak into our lives the brain you see is kind of like a farm whatever you seed and whatever you cultivate that's what will be in your brain so if you're seating and you're cultivating thoughts that are rooted in fear rooted in doubt that things will work out rooted in your lack of ability to figure things out over time that's going to be what's flourished that's going to be the weeds that grow up and Tangle the fields of your dreams because your thinking and you're meditating and you're tolerating the things that hold you back the the self-talk that says man what if this happens what if I actually don't have what it takes what if I tried this and it failed so that means I'm I'm not really meant for this those types of thoughts instead we need to focus our brain on something that's actually helpful like when's the last time you had a conversation with a friend who was in the trenches with you fighting to to do something important and meaningful in their lives themselves and and you could just share like hey like this sucks I I thought it'd be here right now I thought it'd be at this place in my life I thought it'd be this place in my career and I'm not and and you know I'm not I'm not saying I'm quitting I'm just I need you to understand that like this is disappointing this is real and they're like yeah absolutely that I feel the same way I'm working towards this and it's it's kind of disappointing to see how slowly this is going you know that sort of conversation are you cultivating that are you cultivating stories in your brain about people who have gone before you and accomplished great things and helped people because they believed they they had the ability to figure it out are you filling your brain with those sorts of words or are you filling your brain with a late night lying in bed staring at the ceiling worst case scenario thinking are you are you tolerating that because that that for you might need to be cut right now and instead you need to cultivate other environments other words other people speaking into your life so that's the first big idea the second one is it's time to ask for help if you're struggling it's time to ask for help my friend if you have asked yourself like when's the last time you asked somebody like hey I really don't understand how this works would you help me understand what's going on here or or maybe like hey I um I'm actually new at this could you start at the beginning and just explain it to me like I'm a fifth grader I I would really appreciate it like that sort of talk is is not something you hear very often but it's so helpful because first of all it gives you permission to be a beginner which is totally fine no matter how old you are how experienced you are and second of all people actually want to help people who are humble enough to ask for help who are humble enough to ask for the advice you see pride can kill your progress you know you might be actually even asking the right questions to the right people but if deep down you you you're thinking to yourself um you know I'm not sure I'm gonna do it that way I don't think I'm going to change what I'm doing here I'm not going to adjust my Approach um because you for whatever reason have this pride in your heart that will kill your progress what's also going to kill your progress is trying to reinvent the wheel you know you're getting good advice from other people who have gone before you and done whatever you're trying to accomplish for a long time and and you're like ah yeah I'm not sure about that you know I'm gonna try it this way and if you've been trying it this way for months or years and it's not panning out it's time to actually stop trying to reinvent the wheel and do it their way and to literally copy the way that other people have done it before you because they have gotten results and they they are farther in the journey so it's time to listen to them so that might be the shift you need to make is lay down the pride act as a beginner and start doing things that other people have gone before you are doing and doing it their way that could create a real breakthrough for you right now okay and then the third big idea here today is one that I think is actually might be the most important and that's that we need to fall in love we need to fall in love with the process you see nothing we do to accomplish our greatest goals and dreams in our lives is going to matter if we don't actually enjoy the journey to get there you know the only reason we're striving so hard to build something great to achieve a goal to create a business grow our career the only reason we want to do that is because we believe that it'll be worth it and why would it be worth it if we are struggling and suffering and hating the process so cultivate cultivate a love for the process and watch yourself excel in the results because people who enjoy the process get the results if you've heard Steve Jobs say it before you gotta love what you do and and you just you just gotta gotta figure out what it is that you that you really really enjoy doing and that has two pieces that has how you think about what you're doing and what you're actually doing so if you're if you're sure that what you actually want to be doing what you're doing right now is what you actually want to be doing you need to shift the way you think about it because you can be doing exactly what you need to be doing and building towards the goals you really really do want but just doing it in the wrong way and so you need a mindset shift not you don't need to change what you're doing you need to change the way you think about it so that's that's okay that's that's that's a really powerful shift you can make if you're thinking to yourself you know I am I'm building this thing that really is important to me like I know I want it like it's it's authentic it's what God's spoken to me about about having and accomplishing but you're still struggling with the process it's time to change the way you think about the process I'll give you a story I um I was back in the beginning of my coaching career I started out with a membership program and it was like a live monthly training with worksheets and stuff and guest speakers and I did that for a while but after about six months I started feeling like a sense of dread every month when I started to you know get set up for the next month's live training and I and I thought about it for a few months and I was like why do I why do I not look forward to this you know this this should be fun you know you know I'm starting a business here if I'm not enjoying it I'm just basically creating another job for myself right and so I stopped the program I said you know what you know I I'm not I'm not not in the coaching industry to have a membership program I'm I have a membership program so I can be a coach so I'm going to do something different and then I pivoted business models and did something different and and now I'm in a different place and I'm having much more fun with the content I create and the programs I have so it's okay to adjust things but it's also okay to do the same thing but just shift your thinking towards it if you know what you're doing is what you should be doing okay so remember endurance is who you listen to you need to ask for help lay down your pride start copying people have gone before you and you need to really start loving the process there's a great book about that by the way Seth godin's the practice highly recommend it if you want to dig into that concept of loving the process but really really Embrace these things watch yourself start to look forward to work the next day watch the results start to trickle in as you actually start to enjoy what you're doing doing and actually feel optimistic about the future it's amazing what could happen once you stop feeling the fears and marinating in the worst case scenarios and I believe that you have this my friend in the bag you have already accomplished your goal it's just a matter of keeping going towards it in the future so believe this stuff you can do it I'm I'm in your corner I'm rooting for you and remember you're doing better than you think and you're worth more than you know I'll see you next time hey if you like this video I know you're gonna love the free weekly super cycle method training Linked In the description below it's a course that I created to help you to finally get control of your to-do list get rid of the overwhelm you feel right now and to finally carve out that space in your week to accomplish that really important goal that you've had for a while whether it's to upgrade your career start or grow your business or maybe just develop that skill you wanted to develop the weekly super cycle method is a weekly planning course to help you to get all of that done while not increasing the overall hours you worked it's a really awesome system I know you'll love it click the link in the description I'll shoot an email over to you with a link to it right now and did I mention it's free it's totally free to you and hey like And subscribe to this video If you enjoyed this that'll that'll help spread the message here to other people on this platform and take a moment to share this video with three of your friends just grab the link to the video and shoot it in a text say hey I really enjoyed this check it out you know nothing better than loving on your friends with some great free content on personal and professional development so take a moment to share this video with three of your friends and hey I really appreciate you thank you so much for your support

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