How To Learn A Skill Quickly (Skill Development Masterclass)

Uncategorized Jun 14, 2023


FREE TRAINING - The Weekly Supercycle Method

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  • A step-by-step method to plan your weeks for maximum productivity and impact
  • The complete strategy for accomplishing your most important goals and projects right now
  • The "Weekly Supercycle Method" worksheet. Downloadable and printable.

It's time to take control of your to do list and your life! You can accomplish your most important goal whether it's to grow you business, level up your career or develop a new skill. You just need the right strategy for structuring your week. In all my years studying personal and professional development, I've never seen a training like this. I'll email you the first video of this week long course right now, check it out


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"If you only switched jobs every 6 months you could double your income!"

"Check out this crypto, I got a 230% ROI!"

"The easiest side hustle in the world that will make you an extra $500/month."

We are bombarded with opportunities each day. The sheer number of shiny objects vying for our attention is overwhelming. We're promised easy riches and fast results with little effort from us. We all know most of them have hidden trade offs but they grab our attention anyway.

Here's the thing - there are some great opportunities out there to grow our business, income, or career, but they are usually a wolf in sheep's clothing. What is a much better investment of your time is skill development. The act of mastering a skill relevant to your career or business will serve you for the rest of your life. Spending 3-6 months developing a new skill has a much bigger ROI than jumping on the latest AI hype train to build that "easy passive income stream" we all know is not realistic.

So I challenge you for the next 6 months to not take advantage of any new opportunities, but instead spend your energy developing a skill. If you can commit to that you'll speed past your peers and build a reputation of quality. You'll find better opportunities come to you because people see you're good at what you do. And yes, you'll probably earn more too because you're more valuable in the marketplace.

There are 4 steps to building a lifelong skill: Believe, Specify, Research, and Build.

First, you have to believe you have the ability to develop the skill. You won't get very far if you don't have the faith to get you through the inevitable valleys of discouragement during the process. Just decide to believe you can figure this out! You have development skills in the past. People throughout history who have had no special gift or talent in some area of their life have created incredible things with time and practice. You can join them. You got this!

Second, you need to specify exactly what skill you want to have. Being vague doesn't help here. Wanting to "learn to code" is not specific enough. You need a specific end point so you know you've crossed the finish line, otherwise it's easy to get discouraged. When you'll never know if you're done, it's hard to keep going. Here's a better skill development goal "close 40% of prospects on sales calls". That is measurable so you'll know exactly when you've accomplished it.

Third, you need to research the resources at your disposal to develop the skill. What books, mentors, online courses, videos, frameworks, or accountability partners can you add to your skill development plan? Who can you ask for advice? How can you build a community around you who's trying to learn the same skill? What would be the best way to practice your new skill? Compile all your research in a notebook or document so you have all your resources in one place.

Finally, build your curriculum. Just like a class you'd take at a university has a structure to optimize your learning, so should you create a plan to develop your skill. This is where you pick the books and online courses you're going to dive into. Choose the learning community you want to be a part of. Get the meeting with the expert scheduled so you can ask for advice. Most importantly - schedule the time you'll practice your new skill!

You have every single thing you need right now to learn any skill you want. This is the most wonderful time in history to be alive. With SO MANY resources at your finger tips due to modern technology you can learn virtually any skill with little or no monetary investment. Take advantage of them and go build yourself a new skill that will launch your career or business to the next level!

Remember, you're doing better than you think and you're worth more than you know.

Cheering you on,



Full Transcript

 what's up my good people this is Joey young today we're talking about how to develop a skill quickly how to take advantage of skill development and this is so important because I hear everyone talking these days about opportunities opportunities for side hustles opportunities for passive income opportunities at Bitcoin that's going to provide a 200 Roi AI is an opportunity oh if you only switch jobs every six months you'd make so much more like there's so much noise out there about how to take advantage of these opportunities and I don't hear people talking about something that I think is even more important and that's the ability to choose a skill and to develop it and I think this is important because when you develop a skill you're not just taking advantage of some one-time opportunity you're getting yourself in a position where you can leverage something for the rest of your life you can take a skill that you've developed and use it wherever you go whatever you do so how do we develop skills instead of take advantage of opportunities well here's the thing it starts with a mindset you have to believe that you can develop this skill that you have the capability that it's possible for you and a lot of people are challenged by this they don't feel like they can come up to the standard of some of the people and the role models they see around them in terms of the skills that they have developed but I'm here to tell you my friend like you've got the ability you can develop the skill it's the first step of developing a skill it's just saying to yourself you know what I can't do that right now but I believe I can do it I believe I can figure that skill set out if I put in the hours and I take the time and I look at the mentors and I read the books like it's possible for me and I'm telling you you've got at least one skill that you have developed over the past three years that three years ago your your past self would have been surprised or or even impressed with yourself because you developed that skill there's something that you can think of I'm sure where you have not been proficient in it and now you've developed that skill set so let's take a moment to just believe that you can do it you can develop this skill set okay once we got that we're actually going to choose the specific skill notice we're not talking about how to develop the skill yet this is it'll come later but we have to first just talk about all right how am I going to choose which skill I want to develop it can't be vague it can't be something where you're not really sure what it looks like when you've accomplished that skill because then you're just gonna go forever without feeling like you have any sense of completion or any sense of of Mastery because you'll just have something general like I want to be better at public speaking or I want to be able to write a really good report you know something vague like that is is not going to be helpful so let's take a concrete example like you want to be able to close 40 of prospects on sales calls okay just as an example you might have a goal for your business that you want to develop a skill for you might have something in your career where you know if you develop a skill in that area it'll accelerate it very quickly whatever it is let's let's take that skill let's define it so let's say for example 40 of sales calls you want to close you want to develop that skill that's a solid skill we can develop specific one the second step here so we've got the belief we've got the skill defined so this is the third step really is to do some research about how you might go about developing that skill okay so now we're talking about where can we find the information we need and the structure we need to develop this skill and so we're talking to potential mentors or role models who have this skill and have had it for many years and who we respect we're asking you a coffee with them we're asking for their advice we're we're looking for potentially even a sort of long-term like meeting relationship where they might help you over a set number of weeks or months we're looking at books we can read and not just one but maybe two three or four 4 from different perspectives on this topic how can we get wisdom from the the hundreds of years of history and from many different people with different backgrounds on how to develop this skill we're looking at online courses you know we're looking at how we can research experts in the online world to develop this skill set we might even be looking for a coach to help us along our way and keep staying accountable to developing the skill and we're just we're just looking at blogs we're looking at videos I mean anything so we're just doing a bunch of research on what's available to develop this skill and the last step is bringing it all together so we've got the goal to develop the skill that's specific we've got a bunch of research now the last step is to create the curriculum create a curriculum just like you're in college and you're taking a college course there's a curriculum for that skill there's a plan for your learning in in that semester that's why you pay to go to college because they have something that you don't have they have a skill they have knowledge and their job is to put it in a a box and say Here's how you develop this skill throughout the semester we're going to have lectures we're going to have readings we're going to have papers you have to do or have tests you have to take and that's how you develop a skill in college so that's what we're going to do for ourselves but with this real world skill that we want for our life or for our business so if you want to close 40 of sales calls maybe you're saying okay I'm going to take this online course here I'm going to read these three books I'm going to ask these two people for advice and I'm going to practice on these specific uh ways on these specific days so you've got all the knowledge and all the practice built right into your curriculum over the next three months and that's how you take all that big fuzzy feelings and and goals around developing a skill and wanting to become better and downloading it into an actual tangible plan for yourself you say I believe I can do this you specify the skill you want to develop you do some research and then you say you know what here's the curriculum for me to go ahead and learn that skill and then you go out and do it and I'll share just a short example of how I did this I had a goal at work to improve our leadership team meetings and our big quarterly meetings that we have at work I was I was finding that the way I was facilitating these leadership team meetings didn't work very well we always got off on tangents we always went overtime on the meetings and sometimes we'd even not get to really important topics despite the fact that we went overtime and so they were just a source of frustration they weren't very effective so I specified what I wanted to do and I said you know what I want to get these meetings down to an hour and a half max they're scheduled for an hour and a half they're not going to go any longer than that if I can just get everything done in an hour and a half I'll I'll say I've done my job I've developed the skill of a great meeting because we've accomplished everything we need to accomplish in that 90 minutes and then I did some research I looked up some tools on some books I I said you know looked at some mentors and looked at how they might be able to help me and then I developed a curriculum and a practice plan that implemented over several months and now our weekly leadership team meetings are big quarterly meetings are actually uh something I look forward to because they're tight they're effective they're fun we get a lot of work done we talk about topics that are actually relevant and sometimes we even End early so I know that I've done my job really well what's that skill for you what what is something that you want to develop that you know you can do that that maybe you just don't have a structure for right now or you're not really going after what skill is that for you I challenge you over the next six months to develop that skill don't don't go after any opportunities for the next six months just try to develop a skill in the next six months tune out all the noise of all the things you could be doing and say you know what this is this is me this is the goal the skill that I'm gonna have by the end of the year is X and that's what's gonna happen I'm not gonna look left or right I'm not going to chase these opportunities I'm going to get this skill and watch your life Elevate it'll be so much fun so remember until next time my friends you're doing better than you think and you're worth more than you know hey if you like this video I know you're gonna love the free weekly super cycle method training Linked In the description below it's a course that I created to help you to finally get control of your to-do list get rid of the overwhelm you feel right now and to finally carve out that space in your week to accomplish that really important goal that you've had for a while whether it's to upgrade your career start or grow your business or maybe just develop that skill you've wanted to develop the weekly super cycle method is a weekly planning course to help you to get all of that done while not increasing the overall hours you worked it's a really awesome system I know you'll love it click the link in the description I'll shoot an email over to you with a link to it right now and did I mention it's free it's totally free to you and hey like And subscribe to this video If you enjoyed this that'll that'll help spread the message here to other people on this platform and take a moment to share this video with three of your friends just grab the link to the video and shoot it in a text say hey I really enjoyed this check it out you know nothing better than loving on your friends with some great free content on personal and professional development so take a moment to share this video with three of your friends and hey I really appreciate you thank you so much for your support


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