Uncategorized Jul 07, 2023


FREE TRAINING - The Weekly Supercycle Method

Finally, a simple strategy to ditch overwhelm and start making real progress.

Access now this free training now which includes:

  • A step-by-step method to plan your weeks for maximum productivity and impact
  • The complete strategy for accomplishing your most important goals and projects right now
  • The "Weekly Supercycle Method" worksheet. Downloadable and printable.

It's time to take control of your to do list and your life! You can accomplish your most important goal whether it's to grow you business, level up your career or develop a new skill. You just need the right strategy for structuring your week. In all my years studying personal and professional development, I've never seen a training like this. I'll email you the first video of this week long course right now, check it out


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"The unexamined life is not worth living" - Socrates

Setting up a habit of reflection and high performance prompting is one of the best decisions you will make this year. With a daily rhythm of journaling you can leverage lessons learned, shift limiting beliefs and inspire yourself to do your best work.

If you've tried and failed to create a lasting journaling habit in the past you're not alone. I've put together this easy guide for you to create a habit that will stick this time. This framework boils down high performance journaling to it's essential parts with no fluff. Just execution steps. Lets jump in!

1 - Create a template
Grab your favorite journaling app (Evernote, Day One etc.) and create a new template note. This template is what you'll use to journal in everyday. The power of the template is it gives you specific items to read and questions to answer so even on your low energy days you can just follow your premade structure. No more writers block from a blank page!

In the template put your Belief Mantras that you want to speak over yourself everyday. Put you're Being Goals (words that describe the best version of yourself as a daily reminder) and question prompts. Great question prompts include "What is my N1 goal right now?" "What am I doing TODAY to move closer to that goal?" "What habit am I starting/implementing right now?" "What's on my mind?"

2 - Dedicate a time, place and device to your journaling
Choose the time of day you'll journal. Make sure it's a time you're consistently able to set aside each day. Choose the place - personally I have a journaling chair specifically for this activity. For you it could be a room, desk, place on the floor etc. Finally, choose a device. If you're able to I highly recommend having a computer or iPad specifically set aside for your personal growth. No distracting apps, work stuff, messages or reminders on that device. It's simply for consuming personal development information and journaling. Get a device like that and set up a shortcut to your journaling template note.

3- Before and After
Choose exactly what you're going to do right before and after you do your daily high performance journaling habit. This will connect the habit as a link in the existing chain of your routine. What specifically will you do right before you journal? You could insert it into your morning routine by putting it right after you brew your morning coffee and right before you review your tasks for the day. This level of specificity will help journaling to become an effortless habit in short order.

You've got this my friend. Now is your time to start this energizing, life giving habit! Remember, you're doing better than you think and you're worth more than you know.

Until next time,



Full Transcript

what's up my good people this is Joey young today we're talking about how to start a high performance journaling habit whether you've tried before in the past to start a journaling habit or you're starting fresh I'm going to help you with three easy steps over the next few minutes here to get that habit installed so you can start your day excited about your work fired up to crush your goals and just ready to tackle the day instead of dragging yourself to your desk and trying to find the motivation to do your best work so how do we start a high performance journaling habit well first we got to decide it's not going to be a struggle not going to be a struggle anymore if you try to start a drilling habit and it's been really hard let's make a decision you and I right now that we're just gonna stop trying so hard this is this is not working we're just going to go ahead and decide to do it the easy way okay and here's how we do it the easy way I promise just follow the steps okay first we're going to pull out our favorite journaling app I don't care if it's ever known I don't care if it's day one whatever you like and we're going to create a template for our daily high performance journaling and there's going to be three sections to this template the first is going to be our mantras so what truths are you speaking over yourself what anti-limiting belief statements are you putting in there what scriptures do you want to read over yourself every morning what are these mantras that you want to speak out loud that's the first section and we're going to go in the template that we're creating here in day one or whatever and we're going to actually write out mantras and then the actual mantras we want to speak you see when we write them down we actually get our brain offloaded from all the work of remembering them every day so we can actually just pop up a template every day and read them right off the page therefore skipping right to the good stuff each morning makes it so much easier so the first section there is mantras write those mantras down in your template the second step is to have your being goals prompt being goals who do you want to be today what are those words that describe your best self we want to write those down in the template so you have every day those words that describe the best version of you that you want to show up as and I take my clients through a exercise called the North Star exercise to help them describe who they want to be every day and choose these words one might be like leader I want to be a leader every day I want to be a role model I want to help others maybe your word would be creative I want to be a creative person I want to bring unique ideas to the table whatever your words are have those is in there in your template so we have our mantras we have our being goals and then we have our question prompts in our template so our question prompts are like what is my big goal right now what's the goal I'm focusing on and you have that question in the template so every day you have to write the answer what your goal is this helps you to again write down your goals engage with them every day get psyched about them second question what am I doing today to accomplish that goal what am I doing today to move towards accomplishing that goal so then you have to every day write down exactly what you're doing to move towards that goal other questions are like you know what what's on my mind great question prompt to just process the feelings and emotions you're going through a great question prompt another one might be you know what habits am I trying to install right now you know sometimes we find it difficult to maintain new habits in our life so writing them down every day is a good way to reinforce them into to our minds so those are the question prompts we've got our mantras got our being goals we got our question prompts simple outline for our journaling Habit in our software that we're going to use so we've got that okay now we're going to choose the time the place and the device we're going to journal on let's start with the device because I think this is probably the secret sauce to a really effective habit of journaling in a high performance way every day choose a device that has no no other purpose besides giving you personal development so I have a device where I only do personal development things on there there's no distractions no other apps it's just for journaling and personal development tasks if you can do that pick a device maybe get a new one or buy it second hand or something and get that device with everything in there to help you grow and learn and no fluff but having that dedicated device will will help you in your brain to remember hey when I pick this thing up it's go time we are thinking we are engaging we're processing our goals we're being creative it's a really powerful trick same thing with place and time what what place are you going to journal in are you going to have a chair are you going to have a certain room you know where is that going to be how can you help your brain link that journaling Habit to a certain place keep that consistent and at time is going to be in the morning is it going to be during your lunch break are you going to do it in the evening when's it going to be okay and then the final step after you've done all that the template in your app you've done the time time the place the device we're gonna have chosen what we're doing right before the habit and what we're doing right after the Habit so this will help us to integrate this habit easily into our existing routine so let's say you want to start journaling in the evening maybe you say right after dinner I'm going to sit in my chair and do my journaling on my device before I relax for the evening so there then in that case you have what you're doing right before when you do this new journaling habit and what you're doing right afterwards so it's not like some vague I'm just gonna sit down in the evening sometime before I go to bed and journal maybe it'll be in my bed maybe it'll be you know before dinner it's like no here's where I do it and I'm gonna do it consistently then so it starts creating that habit right so here we go we've got all the pieces now we've got the template so the template will be there for you every single day ready to pop up at you and make it easy we've got our timer place our device we've got the exact thing we're doing before and after the journaling habit do this for 30 days I promise you you'll be able to build an awesome high performance journaling habit and remember until next time you're doing better than you think and you're worth more than you know hey if you like this video I know you're gonna love the free weekly super cycle method training Linked In the description below it's a course that I created to help you to finally get control of your to-do list get rid of the overwhelm you feel right now and to finally carve out that space in your week to accomplish that really important goal that you've had for a while whether it's to upgrade your career start or grow your business or maybe just develop that skill you've wanted to develop the weekly super cycle method is a weekly planning course to help you to get all of that done while not increasing the overall hours you work it's a really awesome system I know you'll love it click the link in the description I'll shoot an email over to you with a link to it right now and did I mention it's free it's totally free to you and hey like And subscribe to this video If you enjoyed this that'll that'll help spread the message here to other people on this platform and take a moment to share this video video with three of your friends just grab the link to the video and shoot it in a text say hey I really enjoyed this check it out you know nothing better than loving on your friends with some great free content on personal and professional development so take a moment to share this video with three of your friends and hey I really appreciate you thank you so much for your support

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