How to start something new when you have no idea how to begin

Uncategorized Aug 29, 2023


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It's time to take control of your to do list and your life! You can accomplish your most important goal whether it's to grow you business, level up your career or develop a new skill. You just need the right strategy for structuring your week. In all my years studying personal and professional development, I've never seen a training like this. I'll email you the first video of this week long course right now, check it out


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So, you're on the cusp of launching that exciting new project, business, or life-changing endeavor. The adrenaline's pumping, but let's be real – it's also a bit overwhelming, right? The sheer volume of newness can make you feel like you're about to take on more than you can handle. Don't sweat it, because today, I've got your back with a game plan for starting from scratch when you're not quite sure where to begin.

1. Start with WHO and WHAT
First things first, let's nail down the essentials – WHO and WHAT. Ask yourself, does this new venture align with your core values and play to your strengths? It's all about optimizing for your strengths, not dwelling on your weaknesses. Will it shape you into the person you aspire to become? Once you've got that personal alignment, turn your focus to WHAT you're after. Specificity is key here. Vague goals? They'll sabotage your clarity and momentum faster than you can say "new project."

2. Start 95% Done
Guess what? You don't need to reinvent the wheel. Don't stress yourself out thinking you have to build everything from scratch. There's no shame in learning from others' successes. Borrow a technique, follow someone's advice, or ride the wave of their momentum. Think of it like splitting off from a river – that's quicker than digging a whole new one, right? Look for those quick wins that can set you on the right track, and make starting feel less like an Everest climb.

3. Put Blinders On
Remember that feeling when you're shopping for a car or a new laptop? You do your research, gather advice, but when it comes time to decide, you're all in, no second-guessing. That's the mentality you need when you commit to your new venture. Banish those "what ifs" and distractions. Dive in with both feet. Give it a high-intensity focus for at least three months. That's enough time to see if the seeds you've planted are starting to grow. And hey, if something's not quite working, don't toss the baby out with the bathwater just yet. Give it a few tweaks before you make any major changes.

In a world where newness can feel like a tidal wave, remember that with a bit of strategy and a lot of heart, you can ride that wave like a pro surfer. Start by aligning with WHO you are and WHAT you want to achieve. Embrace the beauty of adapting what's already out there – no need to reinvent. And once you've made your choice, put those blinders on, immerse yourself fully, and go all-in. Remember, change takes time, so give it the runway it deserves. Here's to your new adventure – let's make it a success! 🚀

Until next time, remember you're doing better than you think and you're worth more than you know!



Full Transcript

what's up my good people this is Joey young so you've started a new project a new business or you're making a big change in your life it's exciting but you're stressed because there's so much new coming at you all at once it almost feels like too much today I'm going to talk about how to start something new when you don't know how to begin

[Music] [Applause] it's easy to get overwhelmed you've got Personnel problems work deadlines and a to-do list longer than you can count it's been a long time since you've looked at your weekly planning strategy that's why I created the free weekly super psycho method training the worksheet is available right now as a download There's a link in my description it'll help you to plan your week so you can get rid of that overwhelm you feel finally get in control of the to-do list and make measurable progress towards those really important kpis the weekly super psycho method is totally free there's a link in my description right now to help you get more traction this week than you've ever had check it out alright so how do we make a change when we're not sure how to begin I've got three big ideas for you today the first is we gotta start with The Who and the what whenever we're starting something new start with who and what who am I and what do I want to get out of this who am I what are my strengths what values do I have what have I done before and has that worked or not run this new project through this checking system to make sure that it aligns with who you are because otherwise you could start a new project and maybe it aligns with your values but it doesn't align with your strengths it's actually a weakness of yours or maybe the project could be a really good project for your team or yourself it's a strength area but it doesn't align with the values or the vision of your organization so make sure this project lines up with who you want to be 10 years from now if the project went perfectly make sure that whatever person that is in 10 years is someone you want to be so we got to start with The Who and then the what is important too what are we looking to get out of this project what is the win if we don't know specifically what Target we're going towards with this new Venture then we're not going to ever ever hit it so from the very start Define here's some specific numbers we're looking to create in this specific area and have that conversation make sure it's clearly defined before you start so threes six months from now when you're trundling along implementing this project or Venture this new thing you can look at the specific numbers and compare them to the results of the project to make sure that it's actually creating a good return on investment for your time so make sure every new project everything runs through who and it runs through what the second big idea is to start 95 percent done what do I mean by this well chances are if you're doing something it's probably really new and exciting to you but someone else has done it or someone has done something very similar to it before it's not new someone else has done it before you and they probably have some wisdom around how to make that shift yourself so take the time before you launch into something to read the articles do the research have the conversations maybe you buy an online course about it maybe you sit down with someone who is involved in a similar Venture before and just ask them like hey what what came up that was unexpected in that Journey what pitfalls did you hit what unexpectedly worked while you were working on that project and and here's the reality you don't know what you don't know you're going to find out a lot of stuff just from taking the time to do a little bit of research on what others have done in the similar Venture so that you can know what works and what doesn't and that can save you weeks and months of time and many many headaches so start 95 percent done start from someone an ounce's ceiling that they had before the third big idea is to put blinders on once you make a decision you have to commit to it for a set period of time let's say you're buying a car brand new you probably would do a lot of research online you might go into a dealership ask some questions you might text a friend who knows a lot about cars ask them their opinion and do all this sort of research and then one day you would actually walk into wherever you're buying the car purchase it and drive it off the lot right you're done now at that point once you have the car you've made the decision you bought it you can do two things one you can agonize over your decision look at other cars online compare prices and continue to feel unsatisfied or you can just enjoy the car that you bought and that's what I want you to do with this new Venture you're on enjoy it lean into it put blinders on to other opportunities give it at least six months if you're not investing in something for six months you're probably not really making sure that it's something that can work or not you're not giving it enough time to really show you if it's going to create that Roi so give it that much time and make sure that when you're launching into something new you're not immediately pivoting in the middle to take advantage of another opportunity leaving this one high and dry it'll make you happier it'll also give you more results now this doesn't mean that you aren't tweaking your plan along the way you've got to be constantly improving and seeing how you can adjust things and make them better little by little that's part of the process but don't jump into a whole new Venture two months into your six month plan that's going to create a cycle of dissatisfaction and you're not going to get very good results okay so I hope these ideas have helped you to start something new to have a better perspective as you launch out on this new project and and hey I believe in you you have everything you need right now to make this a success you just gotta get after it learn from others with mistakes they they made then make the decision and jump in and remember you're always always doing better than you think and you're worth more than you know I'll see you next time hey if you like this video I know you're gonna love the free weekly super cycle method training Linked In the description below it's a course that I created to help you to finally get control of your to-do list get rid of the overwhelm you feel right now and to finally carve out that space in your week to accomplish that really important goal that you've had for a while whether it's to upgrade your career start or grow your business or maybe just develop that skill you've wanted to develop the weekly super cycle method is a weekly planning course to help you to get all of that done while not increasing the overall hours you worked it's a really awesome system I know you'll love it click the link in the description I'll shoot an email over to you with a link to it right now and did I mention it's free it's totally free to you and hey like And subscribe to this video If you enjoyed this that'll that'll help spread the message here to other people on this platform and take a moment to share this video with three of your friends just grab the link to the video and shoot it in a text say hey I really enjoyed this check it out you know nothing better than loving on your friends with some great free content on personal and professional development so take a moment to share this video with three of your friends and hey I really appreciate you thank you so much for your support

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