RAISE your value - earn more, be promoted, get the salary you deserve

Uncategorized Jul 12, 2023


FREE TRAINING - The Weekly Supercycle Method

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  • A step-by-step method to plan your weeks for maximum productivity and impact
  • The complete strategy for accomplishing your most important goals and projects right now
  • The "Weekly Supercycle Method" worksheet. Downloadable and printable.

It's time to take control of your to do list and your life! You can accomplish your most important goal whether it's to grow you business, level up your career or develop a new skill. You just need the right strategy for structuring your week. In all my years studying personal and professional development, I've never seen a training like this. I'll email you the first video of this week long course right now, check it out


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You CAN earn more and get the job you desire. With the right mindset and approach your professional goals are within reach.

Getting promoted and obtaining a higher salary start with focusing on a few core competencies. I call these the "promotional drivers" because mastering these will put you head and shoulders above the competition when your company starts handing out raises and promotions.

  • Attitude of Ownership - having vision for your department/product/team, seeking feedback, proactive problem solving, being reliable.
  • Communication - written and verbal, seeking opportunities to speak up (anything to get you seen or heard!), leadership (encouraging others).
  • High Performance - time/energy resource management, prioritization, boundaries so you can enjoy your work (develop a reputation for getting stuff DONE).


Next is to start working on your promotion plan. This has three steps:

  1. Find out what's IMPORTANT to your manager / leadership team and/or what's BOTHERING them.
  2. Make it clear you're looking for increased "opportunity for responsibility at the company".
  3. Execute what you're responsible for with excellence, focusing on what's important or what's bothering company leadership.

You got this my friend! Remember, you're doing better than you think and you're worth more than you know.

Until next time,



Full Transcript

what's up my good people this is Joey young today we're talking about how to increase your value in the marketplace how to earn the salary you're looking for and earn the promotion at your company that you're going after as someone who has hired and promoted people in the past I can tell you there's three main drivers in someone who has the ability to be promoted and then I'm going to finish this video with a three-step process to actually execute to get this promotion let's talk about the drivers who do you need to be to earn this promotion what will help you get there well the first ideas is ownership you want to become someone who has an attitude of ownership what does an owner do an owner has vision for what area of responsibility they currently have you don't want to be just thinking about your product or your team your department this week and next month but where could your product department or team go in a year two years what's possible talk to your boss about three years from now what you hope to accomplish in this area that will actually impress them and help them to see you are someone who looks forward and is positive and has a plan another thing an owner does is seek feedback you know you don't want to be someone who clutches your area of responsibility that you're that you're working on right now close to your chest and you want to be someone who seeks constructive criticism and implements it you want to be a problem solver someone who actually solves problems before they become bigger problems you don't want to go to your boss every time something pops up and say hey I'm having an issue with this can you help me figure this out what do I do here I don't know you want to come to your your boss or your leadership team with like hey I've had this issue here pop up here's the things I did about it here's what happens can you give me some advice about what else I could do to solve this that attitude of problem solving and productivity will go so far in helping you to become worthy of a promotion and finally an owner actually someone who's reliable you know someone who has an ownership mindset is someone who says I'll do this by this day 8 and they get it done and that's just who they are there's there's a consistency in your character there's there's not a um variability in your commitment and this is not about working more hours and grinding late into the night and being you know that guy will come in at you know 4 a.m when something breaks like it's not about the amount of hours it's just being able to say I will do this and then following through on it and developing a reputation for that that's what will give you the promotion okay so the second promotional driver is communication you need to be someone who can express your ideas clearly verbally and in written format so work on your communication skills try to become a leader in your environments communicate when you have the opportunity if there's a opportunity to give a presentation or to speak up in a meeting take those opportunities to be seen and to be heard as someone who has ideas who can express those ideas clearly be a leader in your in your team by encouraging people I tell you it's incredible just being the encourager in the room and having that attitude of optimism how far that will get you to be seen and to be promoted so communication the third piece to to developing this this ability to earn a promotion is your personal productivity and high performance habits you want to be someone who has control of your life your time your energy you want to develop that skill of prioritization so you're not constantly asking your boss what to work on next you want to be someone who can actually see what's important in the company and execute in order of what's important to your boss so you almost know what's important to them and then execute it and you want to be someone who's able to set boundaries you know boundaries are important to be able to continue to work hard and enjoy your work so don't want to be working late and crashing and then you know the next day you're so tired and you walk in like bleary eye the next day like that's that's not someone who's worthy of a promotion that's someone who doesn't have good boundaries around your work so make sure you have good healthy boundaries set so you can continue to enjoy your projects in your department that you're working in and you can continue to perform at a high level consistently so those those are the three drivers of productivity and and performance so that you can become someone worthy of promotion how do we actually get that promotion so what are the steps here okay so first we're going to actually find out what's important to your boss or your leadership team we want to find out what kpis do they want to achieve what's really on their mind you know maybe it's not something that's like a written you know down goal but maybe there's a goal within a goal or maybe there's a you know something you catch that they're talking about that's actually really important to them to accomplish for themselves and and their career in their Department what what is your boss's priorities understand that figure that out also just just discover what is is a thorn in their side conversely you want to understand what's bothering your your leadership team or your boss what's what's uh keeping them up at night if you can understand what their problems are you can move on to the next step so we got an understanding of what's important to them and also the thorn in their side the the annoying Department the the thing that's not working out right now what's bothering them so we have those two things next we're going to actually go to your boss or your leadership team at your next meeting with them and make it clear you're looking for increased responsibility at the company this is important you're not looking for a promotion you're not looking for more money you set the tone of the conversation by saying I'm looking for increased responsibility can you help me develop that because that actually communicates that you're not just out here to earn more money and be selfish in your goals but you're actually looking to be a giver and not just a taker in your organization and after that you can definitely get into like specifics about you know the job you're looking to apply to or the the role you want you know that's all fine but the tone of the conversation is really important when you set out to to to get this promotion you want to tell your boss or your leadership team like I'm looking for increased responsibility at this company and then third this is the third step so we've understood what's important and what's bothering our boss we've told them what our intentions are we're very clear third we're going to manage our area of responsibility with excellence focusing on what is important to our leadership team and solving the problems that are a thorn in their side so we're going to manage our area of responsibility so well that the leadership team has no doubt that you will manage something even bigger with Excellence as well just do a great job executing whatever your responsibility is right now and within that focus on those kpis or those areas that are really important to your boss and solve those problems that are really bothering them if they keep complaining every week in their in your leadership team meeting about such and such issue or vendor or whatever and go out there and fix it and just come back next week don't make a big deal out of it but say hey I've resolved this and this and this I heard you were complaining about it last week so I thought I'd just take care of it and so it's it's fine now or hey I heard you complaining about such and such last week I have a couple of ideas how we could solve that and then explain to them what you're thinking of doing that is going to be huge for setting yourself up for a promotion so I hope this has helped you implement the drivers take the plan implement it in your company and remember you're doing better than you think and you're worth more than you know my friend I'll see you next time hey if you like this video I know you're gonna love the free weekly super cycle method training Linked In the description below it's a course that I created to help you to finally get control of your to-do list get rid of the overwhelm you feel right now and to find then carve out that space in your week to accomplish that really important goal that you've had for a while whether it's to upgrade your career start or grow your business or maybe just develop that skill you've wanted to develop the weekly super cycle method is a weekly planning course to help you to get all of that done while not increasing the overall hours you worked it's a really awesome system I know you'll love it click the link in the description I'll shoot an email over to you with a link to it right now and did I mention it's free it's totally free to you and hey like And subscribe to this video If you enjoyed this that'll that'll help spread the message here to other people on this platform and take a moment to share this video with three of your friends just grab the link to the video and shoot it in a text say hey I really enjoyed this check it out you know nothing better than loving on your friends with some great free content on personal and professional development so take a moment to share this video with three of your friends and hey I really appreciate you thank you so much for your support

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