the secret to HAVING FUN while improving yourself (enjoy the grind!)

Uncategorized Jul 19, 2023


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  • The complete strategy for accomplishing your most important goals and projects right now
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It's time to take control of your to do list and your life! You can accomplish your most important goal whether it's to grow you business, level up your career or develop a new skill. You just need the right strategy for structuring your week. In all my years studying personal and professional development, I've never seen a training like this. I'll email you the first video of this week long course right now, check it out


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Struggling to stick to your habits? Finding it difficult to reach your goals? Do you just want to give up you're so frustrated and disappointed? Even high performers find it difficult to persevere sometimes. Here's four tips to help you not just endure, but enjoy your personal development journey!

Grow with the grain. You know how when you sand wood you need to brush along the grain? The same applies to your personal development journey. You need to structure your goals around who you are individually. That means being selective in what goals to pursue, and how you will pursue those goals. Don't just take on the habits, beliefs or strategies of your role models willy nilly. Instead carefully consider who you are and what will work best for you.

Pick you target. Focus on changing ONE thing at a time. Stop trying to do so much at once. Pick one goal and focus on it for three months. If you do that for a year you'll achieve much more over 12 months than trying to achieve everything all at the same time.

Make a scoreboard. Create a fun way to track your progress! It could be a spreadsheet, productivity software, or big chart on the wall. Physical or digital, it doesn't matter. As long as its right in front of you every day. A scoreboard where you track progress towards your goal shows you how far you've come. This is very encouraging when you're facing a setback or roadblock.

Soak up your benefit to others. STOP and reflect on how your efforts to improve yourself have made the lives of those you love better. Give yourself credit for your hard work you've done to improve yourself, and how it has impacted those around you! Even if you haven't made as much progress as you'd like, remember the progress you have made has made has made a difference. You're a better person than you were and that means something for your family, friends, colleagues, and those you lead.

Remember my friends, you're doing better than you think and you're worth more than you know!

In your corner,



Full Transcript

what's up my good people this is Joey young today we're talking about how to have fun while improving yourself you might be discouraged right now because you're trying to build a habit you're trying to accomplish a goal maybe you've got some sort of uh Milestone you want to hit in your relationships in your career or in your your finances and it just seems like a grind it seems like a slog right now I've been there it's hard the Journey of personal development but it doesn't have to suck it can be fun and so I've got four ideas for you today to help you enjoy the process of personal growth and help you to actually accomplish those goals while having fun along the way because if there's one thing we learn from our late great friend Steve Jobs it's got you gotta love what you do and the people who love what they do are the best at it so let's talk about the first idea how do we actually enjoy the process of personal growth well the first idea is to is to actually grow with the grain grow with the grain what do I mean by that well you know if you sand a piece of wood you need to sand along the reign of the wood I think a lot of people are not sanding with the grain of who they are when they're trying to improve themselves what they do is they take a tactic and they implement it from over here and they hear someone say that and they do this over here and then they have this like Big Goal because they heard someone else accomplish something awesome and they want to do the same thing and so they have this like mishmash of different ideas and huge goals that they have no plan to achieve and no milestones for and it becomes very overwhelming and it becomes stifling my recommendation is is actually grow with the grain take the next step on the path not a leap do something achievable do something that feels more like you on the way to those big audacious goals you have for your personal development so whatever that means for you breaking it down and chunking that Big Goal into a smaller piece and one that makes more sense for how you operate is going to be super super helpful for you and just make the journey more fun I know what you're thinking you're like Joey oh my gosh like break up my goal into smaller pieces everybody knows that and listen everybody does know that but sometimes we need a reminder to implement you need a reminder to implement this particular habit of personal development if you want to enjoy the journey and actually accomplish your goals so that's the first step the second step is to create a scoreboard what's a scoreboard a scoreboard is basically tracking your progress on the way to an outcome and the reason it can help make a personal development fun is because sometimes you have down days where you're feeling discouraged maybe you have a setback or you hit a roadblock in your personal development and you want to have some sort of anchor to the overall picture because you're feeling very emotionally low and that's what a scoreboard does if you have the last couple months on a piece of paper or in a spreadsheet laid out and you can see man like two months ago I was here and now I'm here oh my gosh maybe this day isn't so bad maybe one day doesn't Define my whole journey super helpful so what does the scoreboard look like for you you don't have to have it any certain way it doesn't have to be digital doesn't have to be paper doesn't have to you know have some sort of template in a productivity software just whatever you feel like you know take an afternoon make it and put it somewhere you can see it so you can have yourself be encouraged when you are feeling low and feeling down keeping track of daily or weekly metrics helps you to see the progress and be encouraged when you don't see the progress happening as fast as you want all right so the second big idea third big idea is pick your target okay so many people and it's it's so hard to watch and I've done this myself too so I'm not I'm you know I'm not saying I'm not immune to this is we try to do too many things at once in our personal development Journeys so we'll say I want to improve this area of my life this area of my life in this area of my life and I want to install three different habits at the same time and take on one project each in those areas and have to do all these things for each of those projects and our and our energy just gets Diversified and distributed to like 15 different areas and before you know it a month has gone by and we haven't accomplished much in anything in any of those areas and I get you you want to be better you want to grow quickly but the better way to approach growth is actually chunking it up into three month segments and focusing on one area at a time I know this might not be what you want to hear but this is how things get done over the course of a year if you focus on one area of your personal development at a time you'll end up way Farther Along on your journey than someone who tried to do everything at once the entire year so do that for yourself the fourth big idea is to soak up your benefit to others soak up your benefit to others what do I mean by that soak up your benefit well this is really the secret sauce behind my success in a lot of ways and I really attribute it to my my leaders and my mentors who have taught me this process it's very simple you just close your eyes and think about the past couple weeks maybe just the past couple days and just think about all the ways that you have helped somebody else through your personal development Journey how your pursuit of your personal development goals have impacted those you love and care about whether it be your family your customers your co-workers your pets whatever I don't care how is your Pursuits of the highest version of yourself made an impact and just taking a moment to integrate that feeling of helping someone else into your life this is way more powerful than it seems if you've never tried this before and it's really important to do because some days we feel like we're not really getting much done but if we take a step back and and look at a bigger picture we realize that if we hadn't so diligently tried and worked hard towards our personal development goals for the past couple weeks months years whatever it is we would be in a very different position and therefore the people around us would not be enjoying some of the benefits that they enjoy today so really integrate that feel the benefits of of helping other people because it's a great feeling and it's one of the best it's one of the best parts about being on a personal development Journey you get to help others and you get to feel good about that so I hope some of this has helped you my friend to to see personal development in a different way to help you enjoy the process of improving yourself even when it feels tough remember adversity is not the enemy when you're feeling like you're in a tough spot you're in a rut don't feel like something's wrong remember adversity helps us it helps us feel meaning it helps us with fulfillment because adversity is the thing that makes something worthwhile if you and I could become exactly who we want to be tomorrow there'd be no satisfaction in that because there'd be no struggle without a struggle there isn't an opportunity to feel like we've accomplished something great so don't shy away from the adversity don't be discouraged you've got this my friend remember you're doing better than you think and you're worth more than you know hey if you like this video I know you're gonna love the free weekly super cycle method training Linked In the description below it's a course that I created to help you to finally get control of your to-do list get rid of the overwhelm you feel right now and to finally carve out that space in your week to accomplish that really important goal that you've had for a while whether it's to upgrade your career start or grow your business or maybe just develop that skill you've wanted to develop the weekly super psycho method is a weekly planning course to help you to get all of that done while not increasing the overall hours you work it's a really awesome system I know you'll love it click the link in the description I'll shoot an email over to you with a link to it right now and did I mention it's free it's totally free to you and hey like And subscribe to this video If you enjoyed this that'll that'll help spread the message here to other people on this platform and take a moment to share this video with three of your friends just grab the link to the video and shoot it in a text say hey I really enjoyed this check it out you know nothing better than loving on your friends with some great free content on personal and professional development so take them I want to share this video with three of your friends and hey I really appreciate you thank you so much for your support

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